Returns Policy

We deal with every return enquiry on a case-by-case basis, so if in the unlikely event that the goods you ordered do not meet your expectations, please let us know within 10 days from receiving the goods. The sooner we hear from you, the more chance we have in rectifying any issues that may have arisen.  We aim to make all Ohkii Studio customers happy, not only with the products they are receiving, but also with the service they receive from us.

You have 28 days from the date of order to return any unwanted items to us (please note, that you must first contact us within the 10 day period mentioned above). You must return it to us in the original condition. Please keep proof of your purchase. Note: All goods will be your responsibility from the time of delivery.

We pack all our goods with extra care and attention, doing our best to ensure that the goods you purchased arrive to you in the best possible condition. In the unfortunate event that goods are damaged, if it is possible, we will replace the damaged items asap. In order to access the damage, we will require notification from you within 10 days from receipt of receiving the goods. Again, the sooner we hear from you, the more chance we have in rectifying any shipping damage. We will usually ask for proof that goods have been damaged (eg. a photo) and deal with each damage on a case-by-case basis.

Whilst every care is taken when sending items, occasionally post does go missing. It most cases, this is usually a case of ‘delayed post’ rather than missing parcels as most post eventually turns up. If you are concerned, please do not hesitate to contact us at and we will do everything in our power to locate your item.

We try where possible to display all images as true likeness online to avoid such an issue, however, we understand that sometimes once you see something in the ‘flesh’ you may not be 100% happy with it. Again, please let us know within 10 days of receipt of receiving the goods and we will do everything we can to help rectify this. We will be happy to give you a full refund once the item has been returned to us in the condition it was received. Return postage is your responsibility and we will not be responsible for missing or damaged returned items, and therefore strongly suggest you pack all items carefully and track all items when posting.

For all return enquiries, please contact us at